Saturday 19 January 2013

Snow Photos

Finally we have snow in the south!

After the rest of the country was covered in the white stuff, it was finally the turn of Hampshire. You know it is cold when we get snow! I had originally planned to take photos during the day, but that got taking up with sledging with my son instead, so I waited until the evening.

Snowy Evening

Snowy Evening by MJM Images (mjm-images)) on
Snowy Evening by MJM Images
It didn't take long to find somewhere picturesque for a photo. This is actually a walkway between a train station and an industrial estate, not usually the most photogenic sounding location! However, I loved the framing of the trees, as well as the footprints. Converting to black and white helps add focus to the photo I reckon as well, rather than just being done for the sake of it

Empty park

Park in the snow by MJM Images (mjm-images)) on
Park in the snow by MJM Images
I got this idea from Tom Ang's excellent book Digital Photography Month by Month, which gives suggestions as to different photos to try throughout the year. The original suggestion related to foggy days, but I think it translated well into snow also. I'm always amazed at the amount of light my DSLR can capture; this was only lit by a single lamppost and certainly didn't seem that bright at the time.

More snow today means more snowy photos

I was pleased with last night's results, I certainly intend to get out again today, though it will most likely have to fit around sledging again!

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