Sunday 6 January 2013

Photo Resolutions for the Year

2013 Challenges

Instead of having resolutions to lose weight or stop drinking, I decided to base mine around my photography. Whether I'll find the time to do all these is another matter.

1. Photograph a gig

Before I moved south, I lived with a mate who was in a band. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera back then to photograph any of his gigs, but this year I plan to rectify that.
Challenge aspects: Photographing in low light and tight space, as well as capturing the atmosphere of the gig.
Link to my mate's band: Screamin' Sisters

2. Photograph a fight/sparring

Again, before I moved south, I used to train regularly with Leeds Freestyle Kickboxing. Whilst my sparring days are long behind me, I'm still interested in MMA in general and would love to get some action photos.
Challenge aspects: Photographing fast moving action, capturing the moment of impact

3. Photograph a zoo

For Christmas, I received a photography day course at Whipsnade Zoo. As a family, we regularly visit Marwell Zoo and I've been happy with my efforts there. My aim for the day (aside from learning from a professional photographer) is to get a photo(s) of animals good enough to frame
Challenge aspects: Photographing animals good enough to frame on wall

4. Photograph with a mate

My mate, Stem Images, is also into photography, though I've some way to go before I'm at the same level as him! Hopefully, we can meet up at some point and see who gets the best photos of the day
Challenge aspects: Outdoing my friend!

5. Get a photograph popular on 500px

Lastly, I'm aiming to get a photo popular enough on 500px that is listed under either 'upcoming' or 'popular'. This will have to be a combination of better photos and extending my network, but it's a good challenge to round off the year
Challenge aspects: Take a photo that stands out and have enough followers to get it voted

And off I go

Now it's time to get planning for these, and hopefully in 2014 I can write about a success in all categories!

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